Graphical Bonus Tolerance Analysis
Explanations for each field in the form can be found here. These will help you to make decisions about selecting and entering the correct values, which will lead to the correct calculation results of the true position.
In Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), Position is a fundamental concept used to control the location and orientation of features on a part. It defines the allowable deviation from the true position of a feature, such as holes, slots, or bosses, relative to specified datums.
Position is a locational tolerance that specifies the permissible variation in the location of a feature's center from its ideal (theoretically exact) position. It is used to control how much a feature's actual location can deviate from its true position.
True Position: The theoretically exact location of a feature, usually specified by basic dimensions.
Tolerance Zone: A space or zone within which the center, axis, or surface of the feature must lie.
Datum References: Position tolerances are almost always applied in reference to one or more datums. These datums are considered as a datum reference frame or datum system for measurement and control.
Material Modifiers: Position tolerances often use material modifiers like Maximum Material Requirement (MMR) in ASME/Maximum Material Condition (MMC) in ISO or Least Material Requirement (LMR) in ASME/Least Material Condition (LMC) in ISO. These modifiers can affect the tolerance zone based on the actual size of the feature.
The term feature type in Position refers to the classification of physical attributes of a part that are controlled by GD&T symbol Position. These feature types define sizes, locations, and orientations of specific elements on a part. Of course, other than position, each feature type can have different tolerances applied to it to ensure proper function and fit in the assembly.
In Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), internal features refer to elements inside a part, such as holes, slots, or internal profiles. The feature is characterised by one of the key aspects within the GD&T framework:
Defined by basic dimensions and limits/tolerances. For example, the width of a groove may be specified as 50 ± 0.01 mm.
A ø 50 ± 0.01 mm diameter hole would be another example of an internal feature type.
In Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), external features refer to the outside elements of a part, such as surfaces, edges, and external shapes. The feature is characterised by one of the key aspects within the GD&T framework:
Defined by basic dimensions and limits/tolerances. For example, the width of a guide rail may be specified as 50 ± 0.01 mm.
A ø50 ± 0.01 mm diameter pin would be another example of an external feature type.
In Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), a tolerance zone is a defined region within which the physical features of a part must lie to meet the geometric specifications on a technical drawing. It establishes permissible limits for variations in a feature's geometry, ensuring functionality and interoperability in assembled products. The tolerance zones in the position evaluation can have different shapes, e.g. spherical tolerance zone, cylindrical tolerance zone, linear tolerance zone.
A spherical tolerance zone is a three-dimensional zone defined by a sphere in which the actual feature's center must lie. This zone is used for evaluating the true position when the tolerance specification is spherical rather than cylindrical or planar.
The example shows a spherical tolerance zone with a size of Søt mm, where t is size of the spherical tolerance zone.
In Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), a cylindrical tolerance zone is a critical concept for controlling the true position of features, especially holes, pins, and other cylindrical objects.
True Position in GD&T refers to the exact location or ideal position of a feature relative to a datum or set of datums. The cylindrical tolerance zone specifies how far the actual feature can deviate from this ideal position.
A spherical tolerance zone requires the feature's center to be within a sphere of a specified diameter centered at the true position, providing isotropic tolerance in all directions.
A cylindrical tolerance zone allows tolerance around the axis but doesn't constrain the feature in the direction along the length of the cylinder, making it suitable for features where radial location is critical.
The example shows a cylindrical tolerance zone with a size of øt mm, where t is size of the spherical tolerance zone.
In Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), a linear or planar in 3D tolerance zone is a 3D region between two parallel planes within which a feature's surface must lie. When this tolerance zone is oriented parallel to a datum, it ensures that the feature's surface is controlled relative to the datum plane in terms of position.
A spherical tolerance zone provides uniform tolerance in all directions from a point.
A cylindrical tolerance zone controls radial deviations around an axis.
A planar tolerance zone controls deviations in the direction perpendicular to a datum plane.
The example shows a planar tolerance zone oriented parallel to the wider side of a part, which could be datum B. The distance between two planes defining the tolerance zone is t mm, where t is the width of the planar tolerance zone.
The example shows a planar tolerance zone oriented parallel to the narrower side of a part, which could be datum C. The distance between two planes defining the tolerance zone is t mm, where t is the width of the planar tolerance zone.
Explanations for each field in the form can be found here. These will help you to make decisions about selecting and entering the correct values, which will lead to the correct calculation results of the true position.
To use the calculator, insert the basic dimensions or nominal information from the drawing, representing the distances of the evaluated feature from the datums and the actual values of the evaluated feature. The actual values represent measured data from a gauge or a measuring device, or test data of the situation to be tested or achieved.
The True Position Calculator outputs the position of the evaluated feature, the bonus tolerance (if any), the feature's deviations from the datums, which are useful for making production corrections and a final pass/fail assessment. In the case of a bonus tolerance, an important part of the position calculation are both the bonus tolerance analysis and the bonus tolerance graphical analysis. This helps to understand it's importance in relation to the allowed position tolerance.
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The True Position Calculator API, which could be implemented by third parties, is not yet available.
Check out the True Position Calculator Documentation. The documentation contains useful information about the True Position Calculator, the input data and the position calculation itself.
It is also beneficial to try to calculate the true position using demo data. This will give you a real-life example of the input data required for the calculation and the results the calculator provides.